co/rizom incubator is guiding amazing artisans, designers and business professionals in developing their collections for a global audience. focus on series will allow you to get to know better the people behind the PODs. This edition is dedicated to Hazel Wave. By splitting strips of hazel tree, turning them into ribbons and weaving them, using traditional Slovenian wicker techniques. This POD will bring seen and unseen qualities of this material into the ambience of our homes. |

Cvetka Grbec is a Slovenian artisan specializing in wickerwork. She makes products from various materials, including hazel, willow, and corn husk. From an early age, Cvetka admired the work of her neighbour basket-maker. Later in life, Cvetka decided to make baskets herself. What attracts you to the material you chose for the process? Local accessibility. The warmth of wood. What are the biggest challenges for your profession in the future? Wicker craft is usually practiced by the older artisans, whilst the younger generation is not really interested. There is a real threat this cultural heritage will be lost. Collaborations like this one can influence more designers to appreciate this craft. What is an emotion connected to this collection? Love and appreciation for the beauty and warmth of this natural material. |

Darja Malesic graduated from the Royal College of Art in London and worked for many years in the luxury fashion industry as a fashion designer. She founded the ethical lifestyle brand Flowe Craft, whilst collaborating with various Slovenian wicker artisans. Two collections of wicker products designed by Darja have been awarded the Badge of Design Excellence ”Made in Slovenia” by the Centre for Creativity (Museum of Architecture and Design, Slovenia). What does the word ”craft” bring to mind? Calmness, stability, process, exploration. It is about exploring imaginations and inspirations to create handmade objects or artwork, using traditional techniques and materials, that are not just functional, but also beautiful. What attracts you to the material you chose for the process? Hazel is our local shrubby tree that can be found in woodlands, gardens, and grasslands, and is famous for its fruits: hazelnuts. It is one of the most useful trees for its bendy stems and as a conservation savior. Hazel also has a reputation for being a magical tree, deeply wise, a bringer of insight and flashes of inspiration. In a nutshell, a very special tree. Can you describe the material in 3 words? Organic, friendly, flexible. What is the biggest challenge for your profession in the future? And the biggest opportunity? The biggest challenges are to be seen and heard in a world dominated by major players. The biggest opportunity is to have a serious chance of changing people’s attitudes regarding what they choose to buy, and use, in their daily lives. If you would gift this collection, who would you gift it to? King Charles III. The former Prince of Wales is a great supporter of heritage, sustainability and wildlife conservation. |

Alenka Marsh has worked in the international marketing and sales environment since 1987. Twenty years ago she set up her own textile design agency that supplies textile print designs to the international fashion brands and textile mills. |